آموزش دفاع شخصی

نقش امنیت، دفاع شخصی و پیشگیری در مزاحمت های خیابانی

A few tips on security, self-defense and prevention, make sure it works and works for you at that moment, a girl said I was in the subway when an annoying gentleman grabbed me from behind, in a moment fear filled my whole being, a lot of stress I had, I just screamed with all my might and asked for help The intruder quickly left me and ran away and I was on the subway floor I sat down and cried, I was shaking from stress, people were comforting me and saying: it was mental, he ran away, come to your senses, it doesn’t matter, after a while I got better, I got up and informed the subway guard and continued on my way. A lady accompanied me to get on the line I wanted, all the way I wondered why I could not do anything but shout I wish I knew a technique I wish you I was hitting his leg or his body, why could not I react? I got home and told my family, I cry every time I talk about it,There is no end to such harassment and it is not specific to a particular country or region, harassment that has mental problems and visually or verbally harass women and in some cases children.



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